Monday, October 30, 2006


Things people typed into search engines recently that led them to this blog -

scary things
scary things about spiders
how to cite wikipedia
compartmentalised furniture

I hope you all found what you were looking for.

Friday, October 27, 2006

X-rated database

Library resources are not always on their best behaviour during training sessions. They have been known to crash in the middle of being demonstrated, mysteriously change their interfaces between one session and the next, and sometimes turn up some rather unexpected results.

Xreferplus turned up a very odd result during training this week. This database includes a concept map option, a nice little feature where you can type in a word and get a diagram of related terminology, based on the dictionary and encyclopedia entries it contains. Once they'd been shown how it worked students had an opportunity to try it out for themselves. What I hadn't realised was that one of the reference books it contains is a dictionary of euphemisms. It seems that there is more to 'business' than is included on the syllabus!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Search engines

MsDewey, the new search engine for those who like their librarians with attitude (and without scroll bars.)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Let me out of here...

If I seem to have disappeared from sight lately I'm probably in the basement. That's where our training room is, you see, and I'm pretty much booked up with training sessions, showing students all the delights the library has to offer.

Plus some less than delightful things, including unmemorable passwords; unhelpful help screens; small, hard to find links you have to click on; links that don't link; a remarkable variety of error messages... you know the sort of thing.

This is the time of year I most deeply appreciate the publishers of those resources that simply do what you expect them to do, without any fuss or bother of the technological kind, and get very, very tempted indeed to cancel the rest in a fit of bad temper!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Weekend posting

I give up. I tried to find an excuse to claim Last fm was work related but it just isn't. It's much too good not to mention though. It claims to find music you'll like based on a sample of what you're listening to and... it actually works! I'm now sitting here happily listening to bluetadpole radio. Well, after 10 hours of information skills training sessions this week I think I need something on the life side of the work/life balance.

Monday, October 16, 2006

One day in history

Now here's an intriguing idea. One Day in History. It's not strictly to do with business information but it is going to be stored by the British Library, so there's a library connection, and it's just far too interesting not to mention. A one day mass blog event collecting snapshots of what YOU did on Tuesday 17th Oct 2006.

What I'll be doing most of the day is talking to small groups of students about all the library resources available to them. I've got 6 hours of training sessions booked for Tuesday, so won't have time for a great deal else!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Forthcoming conference

Looking forward to the Creativity or Conformity conference in Cardiff next January - this is the reason for all the activity with remote collaboration tools!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Don't wait...

Two things happened today that made me do this. I spoke to the first student this year who said what many have said in previous years: "I'm in my 3rd year, and I never knew you had all this before!" and I wanted an excuse to play with SlideShare. So, let's see if this works...


I found another collaborative tool - Slideshare lets you share presentations. It's a bit like YouTube for Powerpoint slides. Hmm, perhaps that doesn't sound too exciting... but then, it all depends how exciting your presentations are!

[This is a beta version and you have to request an invitation to join. I've signed up and have got a few invitations to give out if anyone wants one.]

Monday, October 09, 2006

Kind of blue

You know those silly internet personality quizzes...? I can blame someone from the Uni up the road for alerting me to this one.

"You scored as Blue. You are considered to be a very calm person who takes things one at a time and does not worry too much about the consequences. Whatever happens, happens, is your moto. You are the one people come to for advise on most topics, because you are filled with limitless knowledge. You can handle any situation."

Yes, that and the fact that I spend a fair bit of my time behind a desk over which hangs a sign saying 'Enquiries'!

[Example of limitless knowledge: I know that a 'moto' is an Italian motor scooter. I think they mean motto.]

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Poll Builder

Today I found that those clever people at The Center for History and New Media have a very nifty Poll Builder which lets you... you guessed? Build polls. It literally takes a minute to do. That is, it took me a minute to do once I'd switched to Firefox, it didn't seem to want to play in Explorer (I haven't tried it in any other browsers as yet.)