Friday, January 25, 2008

Literature searching: theory and practice

I'm being painfully reminded lately about the difference between theory and practice.

In the early stages of trying to get a paper written, with a colleague, to submit to a conference, I have to keep reminding myself to keep track of what I've read and might want to quote from or refer to. But after several months of "scan, flick and `power browse’"- as a recent research paper calls it - that is proving to be very much harder to do than it sounds!

Monday, January 14, 2008

JISC Ebooks

We've recently subscribed to 5 new business and management studies e-books through the JISC national ebooks observatory project.
  • The Dynamics of Employee Relations - Paul Blyton 3rd ed
  • Marketing Strategy & Competitive Positioning - Graham Hooley 3rd ed
  • Organisational Behaviour and Analysis: An Integrated Approach - Derek Rollinson, 3rd ed
  • Integrated Marketing Communication - David Pickton, 2nd ed
  • Management Concepts & Practices - Tim Hannagan, 4th ed

These e-books can be found via the library catalogue and are available on the MyiLibrary platform (using your Athens username and password if off campus.)

Staff and students can copy, print, and paste parts of the e-books and can, for educational purposes, incorporate excerpts of these e-books into teaching materials, essays, course work, presentations and MyCourse units.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I am hopelessly word addicted. I realised this when I discovered the (for me) killer app on Facebook: you can play Scrabble on there!

I do realise that not everyone shares my enthusiasm for the written, or indeed tiled, word, or for books and literature and the whole text based world of ideas, and I know that these things can be taken too far (as shown by this cautionary tale) but I think its probably a good thing if your chosen career involves something you are just a tad obsessive about.