Monday, February 18, 2008


I saw a presentation the other evening by Metaverse Evangelist Roo Reynolds from IBM. He certainly lived up to the job title!

Key points that I picked up on were...
  • Virtual Worlds (VWs) are about people, they're fundamentally social spaces
  • The average age of people in Second Life is around 34
  • What Second Life has over some other VWs is user generated content
  • Its ok to start small - send in a few explorers
  • Things in VWs can be ephemeral - its easy to build and to destroy
  • Do we want to replicate the real world? Or be creative with the posssibilities of VWs?
  • It's not just Second Life, watch out for new worlds
  • Watch out for the real metaverse - joined up VWs!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

£200 prize up for grabs!

JISC are doing the first ever national survey on the use of and perceptions of e-books.

There is a £200 prize up for grabs for staff and students that enter the survey before February 15th.

To participate in the survey please visit the JISC User Survey 2008. The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete. There is information for faculty staff and students if you want to know more about it.