Tuesday, January 24, 2006


According to a BBC report on how students spend their time, going to the pub is "only one percentage point more popular than exercising and playing sport" but it's "five points more popular than reading."

If you need help managing your time maybe a few minutes spent with a book could help? Get Organized by Ron Fry shows you how to create your ideal study environment by using simple time-management tips.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Feeling stressed?

The holidays are over, deadlines are looming. If you're feeling stressed about study you might find some useful information and advice here.

Revision and exam stress
Imperial College's Health Centre web-site has excellent information on self-help strategies for stress management, revision and exam techniques. It also describes three stereotypical phases and approaches to exams and revision. Which one do you fall into, and what can you do about it?

How to cope with the stress of student life
Advice and information from Mind, the mental health charity. Viewable only.

This website deals with stress in relation to exams in particular but the advice is useful for anyone experiencing stress whilst studying. There is an outline of the symptoms of stress as well as suggested strategies for managing it.

Study skills help : stress management
This site provides a range of links to other resources offering guidance on managing stress. They cover a range of topics such as attitude, relaxation and sleep.

For more information and links see our study skills and practical study skills subject guides.